Video Penutup JOM 2011
What is JOM!?

Name: Journey Of a Muslim (JOM!)
Date: 22-24 July 2011
Venue: Kem BTN Ulu Sepri, Rembau, Negeri Sembilan
Open for: Will-be-Undergraduate students at United Kingdom and Ireland
Food and accommodation will be provided.
Ever wondered what it's like to spend the next couple of years abroad on your own? You're not alone. Because we are here to help!
Now we know for a fact that as future undergraduates of top universities in the UK and Ireland, most of you may have your own concerns about all sorts of things - your studies, the gloomy weather, the front row seats at Old Trafford, Boxing Day shopping along the famous Oxford Street, halal food, accommodation, and what will you face as a Muslim. That's why we are bringing you JOM! 2011 to answer most, if not all of your questions!
What is JOM!?
It is essentially a pre-departure programe which is specifically tailored for future undergraduate students who will be studying in the United Kingdom and Ireland. Conducted by a host of Malaysian students who are currently studying in both the UK and Ireland, JOM! is aimed at assisting you to have a clear idea of what it's like to not only live as a student, but also as a Muslim in a foreign land.
You will have the opportunity to address your main concerns to the seniors, brothers and sisters, who will be present on that day. It is also a great way to meet other people all over Malaysia who will be flying off too. You'll also get to meet your future course mates who will be studying in the same university as yours.
"The believers are but brothers, so make settlement between your brothers. And fear Allah that you may receive mercy" (Al-Hujurat, 49:10)
By the way, did we mention that it's absolutely free? Yes, you got that right. All we need you to bring is, well, just you and your friends. So what are you waiting for? Come and join us!
Click here to register.
This pre-departure programme is brought to you by Ikram UK & EireBefore making up your mind whether to attend JOM! 2011, you may wonder, what this programe is like? First, let's clear the dark cloud shrouding your mind:
You will have the opportunity to get to know the seniors, both brothers and sisters, better. As they have already been in the UK and Ireland for quite some time, surely they will have a lot of interesting stories to share. Ask them just about anything - the cheapest house to rent, the best place to shop for groceries, the university timetable, sports and recreation, or even the closest Malaysian restaurant available. Who knows, maybe if you're lucky the seniors will foot the bill during the first few days you're in the UK or Ireland. Yes, it does happen.
Studying abroad and experiencing the four seasons sure seems like a lot of fun. However, as a Muslim, it is more than just doing well academically and securing a first class honours degree - we need to strike a balance between this world and the world hereafter as well. That is why we will also include an intimate discussion on traveler's fiqh and the issues surrounding the practising of Islam in the West, especially in the UK and Ireland.
JOM! will provide you with the opportunity to make new friends, some of them will be your future course mates and attend the same university as yours. Hence, don't worry about being alone when you first set foot in the UK or Ireland. Rest assured there will be people to help you get settled.
Be a step ahead in terms of your preparation,worry less, and spend some quality time with your family for the remaining summer! We'll get all your questions regarding visas, thermal wear, and clothes to brings sorted for you.
And above all, it's FREE!

Bad news guys, but the registration is finally closed =(
However, it's not the end of the world as we're still gonna open a waiting list registration so there's still hope =)
Just fill up the form below and we'll contact you personally as soon as your place have been confirmed
May Allah bless =)
You might be wondering what's awaiting you after registration. Expect a welcome email from our dedicated crew. Don't be shy to ask them questions. They are especially appointed to entertain your enquiries. You won't be left alone in this matter!