University College London

Posted on 7:18 PM by Izzuddin Yussof

-CONGRATULATIONS!!! You were about to sit at the same seat as Mahatma Gandhi was. Yup..! He was a student in UCL before. Imagine years ago... Mahatma Gandhi was just as excited as you were to enter this ever-renowned world-class university. Impressive right? Heh..

-The University is situated just a glimpse away from the nearest Tube Station(Euston and Euston Square)... I bet you haven’t heard about tubes in London right?? Well, not the formal-boring thingy about tubes, but THE thing.. Haa... Once upon a time.... far far away in London... Hrmm... I think we need private session for the suspense, yeah? (We can definitely have a chat if you want to hear some gossips and haunted tales of London Underground Tubes.. hehe)

-By the way... Alhamdulillah, most of Malaysians in UCL are known as “a very friendly and religious people, with a very good reputation in academic”. Hey, I’m not lying, its true!


-UCL have an uncountable number of libraries... Ok, that a bit exaggerating.. But hey, it’s true, UCL have lllooootttsss o libraries... even I haven’t explore all of them just yet.. Let’s do it together next term shall we?

-We have a newly-refurbished prayer room, big enough for around 40 people I think... But don’t worry, as the Muslim community in UCL is indeed very large, normally for Jumuah Prayers, we sort of booked the Bloomsbury Conference Room. And yeah, the Khutbah here is reaaalllyyyyy good, and powerful. More about that, later on yeah..? :)

-Since UCL is situated right at the heart of London, so you can basically find everything here. Just name it. Books..? We have waterstone and Ryman just a few steps away. Shopping..? Ah Ha! You hit the right spot! UCL is just 15 mins walk away from Oxford Street... What is Oxford Street? A very long street filled with hundreds of shops, cloths, shoes, you name it! That’s how much convenient UCL is. :)"


-There’s basically all the courses you ever imagined exist on this green Earth. Heh

-Among the famous: Chemical Engineering, Biochemistry, Mechanical Engineering, EEE, Economics, etc2.. Seriously, you can find all sort of Malaysians taking all-type of subjects here.

-About that... Yeah, UCL do have a very large group of Malaysians, but normally Muslim Malaysians amount only up to 10++ per year, or even less I supposed. That’s why we need you to build up the number. :P


-First years normally stays in Hall(Or as they call it House).

-Among the famous Halls of Residence includes: Campbell House, Arthur Tattersall House, John Tovell House.. These were just 2 minutes walking, sometimes you can even hear the lectures from your window. Erkk.. well.. Not really.. =.=”.... But these halls are big, convenient, and CHHEAAAPP! Plus, you don’t need that extra cost of travelling, because your class would probably be just beside your building!

-Psstt... This is top secret. Don’t go to Max Rayne, Ifor Evans... They have small rooms, and quite distant from UCL. You need a bus to go to class! Ehh... No No.. Max Rayne is ok, but well... those three up there still remains the best in my opinion. Hihi..

-2nd year? Find a sweet and beautiful house somewhere in London. There's plenty, wait till you see them!

Life as a Muslim

-As said before... There is a large community of Muslim brothers here, where I personally admires and I have to say, I was shocked with! They were super-friendly, plus their akhlak.... MashaAllah... Sometimes you just wonder, if people like them were already this kind, just imagine how perfect and wonderful the akhlak of the Prophet Muhammad SAW...(Crying...)

-Oh.. There’s also two mosques situated about 15 minutes each from UCL. There’s this small-underground mosque, and there’s this big and tall mosque as well(with a subway just a stone throw away)

Halal Food

-Halal Restaurant is well over the place! You can have doner kebab, fried chicken, biryani rice... Everything! Even halal subway and there’s also halal option at the University Cafe. So, food-wise.. no worries! There’s also halal butchers around if you are a good cook.(Maybe you should sometimes come to my house and cook something special for me? Hehe)

-Anyways.. Its in London, so you don’t have to worry missing the special Ikan Keli, or even the all-time favourite Nasi Lemak. You can either cook them yourself(or ask people who knew to do so) or even buy it from Malaysian Restaurants.. You have MSD, Tok Din, Bonda, Rasa Sayang, blablabla... Yup.. the list never ends.. There’s plenty of Malaysians restaurants in London.. So, tell your tummies not to worry yeah?

Malaysian Community

-In London, sometimes you might need to hide yourself from the crowd if you were to avoid seeing Malaysians. Yup, its that many of Malaysians if you know what I mean. Sometimes I wonder.. If I can’t even speak English, I think that wouldn’t be a problem, because I hardly had one day without malay chatting. Haha

What to Prepare

-Just say goodbye to your mother and father, mintak ampun banyak2, minta doakan kesejahteraan, and thats it!

-Make sure you bring a very solid Islamic belief. Seriously, its true. I’ve seen good students gone wild once they arrived in London. Sadly to say, some even stop believing anymore... :(

-But hey.. There’s also a lot that turned better.

-So I guess coming to UK does give you a chance to change, either to betterment, or worsement. Its that sort of ''start-over'' feeling if you like it. You can really be what ever type of person you ever dreamt of, all we can all help you to be that tiny little good man in yourself.

-So, prepare for whatever you hope for, and don’t forget to check you Niat to come here. :

-Bring along some cloths, etc2.. But most of the stuff you need, is all available here, in London! (except the Ikan bilis thingy.. so expensive!)

Contact Person


Muhamad Rosne Faizal b. Othman,
Chemical Engineering
University College London
rosnefaizal(ym, skpe)


Sarah Samsuddin
No. Tel (Malaysia) : +60136023900
No. Tel (UK) : +447724969912

wan najwa binti wan sulaiman (emel, ym, skype, fb)
No (Msia): +6014 5076609
No (UK):+447412626875

5 Response to "University College London"

2 .
Anonymous Says....

hahaha, nice and hillarious write-up. Thanks! see ya in Jom , insya-Allah..^^

3 .
Najwa Sulaiman Says....

sape2 yang datang JOM, boleh la kita kenal2 ^_^

4 .
Anonymous Says....

kak najwa ni duduk mana? maksudnya duduk hall ke rumah? kak najwa lama lagi ke dekat sana? saya takotlah

5 .
Anonymous Says....

kak Najwa lame lagiii.. ~ hehehe, tolong jawabkan..
dont worry nnt kt ceciter ceciter kt jom =D

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